Welcome To Our Lifestyle Blog- With Love Blog ♡

Hi everyone, this is our very first blog post. We just wanted to introduce ourselves before we get to know you. The main goal of this blog is to share our experiences with our readers. We plan to talk about anything and everything, from activities in Colorado to coffee shops to our experiences as we try new things. We will also share and review songs, movies, and shows. I hope that you guys are excited to join and walk with us through our journey! Here are some fun photos of us!

We love to go on adventures in our city. We are from Colorado Springs. Our goal this year has been to find new and unique experiences for young adults or anyone.

We are the type of people that pull over on the side of the road if we see something we love. We chase sunsets and romanticize the life we live. We have an idea and we make it happen. The go-getters of the world.

Hi <3

My name is Sasha, and a lot of my friends call me sash or squasha. I am currently in school and am graduating spring of 2023. I’m wanting to share the things that I experience in my everyday life. My favorite things include reading, shopping, cooking ramen, and taking photos. I have a dog named Enzo and a fish named Soy. I’m so excited to start this journey!


My name is Kristen. I am in college right now and work part-time at a coffee shop. I love to go out and explore the world. I dream to travel and learn about different things. I have a cat named Cleo and a chihuahua named Sydney. I can’t wait to learn more about blogging and share it with everyone.

See you guys next time 🙂

xoxo, withloveblog

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